Thursday, May 14, 2009

Creatividad al máximo

McDonald's installed a sign in Piccadilly Circus that encourages passers-by to interact with images displayed on a giant LED screen. A series of images ranging from hats to speech bubbles to idea clouds are shown on the billboard. People can then position themselves for photos to make it look as though they are wearing a hat, saying something or having an idea. For a more in-depth look at this Idea of the Week and other case studies, visit Ad Age and CMDglobal's Inspiration site.

Imposible no prestarle atención a la publicidad de McDonald’s. La verdad que unos genios los que idearon esta campaña.

Tambien me pareció muy buena la creatividad utilizada en la campaña que emprendió Pru Health en el Reino Unido.

Health insurance firm PruHealth was keen to communicate how a combination of eating fruit and exercising can lower health cover, without resorting to preaching about things that most people already know.

PruHealth teamed up with JCDecaux Innovate to create a bespoke outdoor campaign in key London areas. Huge glass sided billboard units were created to look like vending machines.  These were filled with either branded tennis balls or branded oranges. Passers by could place their hand into the delivery tray and take one of the items home with them. The dispensers, carrying the message “help yourself” were replenished every two hours.
Over the two week campaign more than 6,000 branded oranges and tennis balls were freely dispensed.

Pruhealth1 Pruhealth



Ross Ruthler said...

this is really cool. Keep updating us with cool marketing tips, ideas, comments.


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