Friday, October 30, 2009

New U.S. Census to Reveal Major Shift: No More Joe Consumer

Hoy en día muchos estamos esperando los resultados del biggest marketing research de la década en USA: the 2010 Census.

Y esto es lo que dice AdAge en un artículo en el cual presentan un “white paper” el cual predice ciertos resultados.

  • Minorities are the new majority. "One fact says it all," Mr. Francese writes. "In the two largest states (California and Texas), as well as New Mexico and Hawaii, the nation's traditional majority group -- white non-Hispanics -- is in the minority." And in the nation's 10 largest cities, he says, "no racial or ethnic category describes a majority of the population."

    Mr. Francese notes how diversity varies greatly by age, "with the younger population substantially more diverse than the old."

    Consider these 2010 projections: 80% of people age 65-plus will be white non-Hispanics. But just 54% of children under age 18 will be white non-Hispanics. Mr. Francese observes: "White non-Hispanics will surely account for fewer than half of births by 2015."

    In 2010, Hispanics will be both the nation's fastest-growing and largest minority (50 million people).
